渋谷, Shibuya - the no. 1 place for Japanese gal fashion.
Even though gal isn't what it used to be; it's not as crazy and extreme, but I like this new type of 大人-/お姉-/Mode-gal so it was perfect for me! ☆

I fell even more in love with the brand RESEXXY ♥ We went to the shop in SHIBUYA109 so many times that the staff knew my name by the end of our trip(笑)

The time we went to 109MENS to look for gifts, we got a huge surprise when many of the staff wanted to take pictures with us. I guess it's kind of unusual with two western girls in school uniforms, but fun either way!

We went to Shibuya-area many times for both shopping and food! We had great お好み焼き (Okonomiyaki) at a place we just randomly went into, will definitely eat there next time I go!

And we also had great Ramen ...

... And Parfait ... I'm so glad I went to Tokyo with a fellow foodie ♡

We also did our nails, which is something I really recommend doing if you're going to Tokyo since it's an experience in itself! Well, if you get sculpted nails. Otherwise it's just like at home (´_`。) It takes time but it's definitely worth it, especially if the nailist is talkative!

Another thing we did was going to the cinema! We watched "Frozen" or "アナと雪の女王" in Japanese, and it was so good (*´▽`*)"ありのままで - Let it go -" became sort of the theme song of our trip.

I guess that's all on Shibuya~ Part 2に楽しみにしてね♬
Mmmmhh shopping i 109 <3 Och herregud ge mig den där glass-frukt-saken.
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削除Vi får väl helt enkelt bege oss till Tokyo ;D