新宿, Shinjuku - Party, business, politics and shopping, Shinjuku has it all! We stayed at a hotel in Shinjuku and I really fell in love with the area! Especially how it goes from shopping and business in the day to crazy nightlife when the sun goes down☆
秋葉原, Akihabara- Electric town and otaku paradise. I definitely thought Akihabara would be my no. 1 favorite place but I was wrong, haha. I really liked it though! Akiba was kind of far from where we lived so we only went once.
原宿, Harajuku - street fashion lovers' favorite area in Tokyo.
Not really my thing though, but they had many interesting stores and great food! We took many purikura, not just in Harajuku but the two above are taken in Harajuku! Purikura was one of the things I really looked forward to, and I was not disappointed! You might look a bit weird in the photos but it's so much fun ☆
渋谷, Shibuya - the no. 1 place for Japanese gal fashion.
Even though gal isn't what it used to be; it's not as crazy and extreme, but I like this new type of 大人-/お姉-/Mode-gal so it was perfect for me! ☆
I fell even more in love with the brand RESEXXY ♥ We went to the shop in SHIBUYA109 so many times that the staff knew my name by the end of our trip(笑)